Valves & Fittings is a wholesale organization that has been servicing suppliers in the oilfield & petrochemical markets since 1976. Request a quote.
Product Categories & Types
Ball Valves
Balon, DMIC, Marpac, McCanna, Nutron, Sharpe & WKM
Swages & Bull Plugs
Westbrook & Bonney Forge
Butterfly Valves
Maxum, SCI, Sharpe
Check Valves
Advanced, Champion, Clayton Mark, Crane, DMIC, Petro Union, Sharpe, Tom Wtly, & Wheatley
Cushion / Flow Tees & Bleed Rings
GMI & Precision
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Wheatley, Texsteam
Flanges & Fittings
Galperti, GMI, Hackney/Ladish, National Flange, Pipeing Products, TFA, Weldbend & Westbrook
Foot Valves
Clayton Mark
Forged Steel Fittings, Bull Plugs, & Swages
Bonney Forge, Westbrook
Gaskets-Insulation Kits
National Gasket, Wolar, Lone Star
Gate Valves
Bonney Forge, Clayton Mark, Crane, Sharpe, Vogt & Williams
Gate, Globe & Check Valves
Clayton Mark, Crane, Matco, Milwaukee, Sharpe, Williams, Gates & Globes, RF & RTJ, Bonney Forge, Sharpe, DMIC, Tom Wheatley
Malleable Fittings
Matco-Norca, Ward
Needle Valves
Anvil & Westbrook
Piston Valves
Bonney Forge, Sharpe, Tom Wheatley, Vogt & Williams
Plug Valves
Galli & Cassina, Nordstrom & Texsteam
Stainless Steel Flanges, Fittings & Nipples
Sharon Piping, Virginia Stainless, Alliance Metals
Daniel, Choice Fastener, Tex-Thread
American Block, Bonney Forge, Petro, Precision & SMI
Weld Fittings & Flanges
Galperti, Gulf Manufacturing, Hackney/Ladish, National Flange, Piping Products, TFA, Weldbend